This is something I have noticed others find hard to understand. Depression and sadness are two different things. Sadness is a normal emotion and if something bad was to happen then you may feel sad, but that sadness will lift after a few days. However,  depression is a persistent sadness – it can last for weeks, months or even years. It can affect you in various ways such as changing your personality, interests and the way you see the future.  

Sadness is a human emotion that all people feel at certain times during their lives. Feeling sad is a natural reaction to situations that cause emotional ups and down. There are various degrees of sadness. But like other emotions, sadness is temporary and fades with time. In this way, sadness or feeling low is totally different from depression.

Depression is a longer-term mental illness. It impairs social, occupational, and other important areas of functioning.
I believe- “Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.”

I am just sharing my experiences to let you know that if you are feeling low or sad it’s totally fine, that doesn’t makes you a depressed person at all. Don’t put yourself in a depressive zone.

Of course, there are still days when I struggle to climb out of bed or when I cancel plans because I can’t stomach the thought of leaving the house or when I want to disappear from this busy world so I can have a chance to relax for a change.

Like currently there are many things which can disturb me at the same moment.

My Grandmother Health – But instead of sitting numb and keep thinking what will happen next and be sad. I choose to spent more and more good moments with my grandmother, try to get her indulge in some entertaining stuff like playing games, clicking funny picture or watching funny videos which make both of us laugh ,that will cherish till my last breath. For her betterment I chant Mahamrityunjay mantra which gives me peace as well.

This Pandemics and its side effect – Being sad on what this Covid-19 will do and whatever losses the whole world faced. Ondaily basis I and my family do yoga or exercise for half an hour to keeps our mind and body healthy. Get close to your kitchen and garden; there is variety of herbs easily available in our home to make our immunity stronger. Like I prepare immunity booster drink for everyone which consist(giloi, basil leaves , fennel seeds, hibiscus flower,cloves,jaggery).

My Career – As companies try to ensure their survival by cutting costs, many have resorted to slashing salaries and Laing off their staff. Others have put employees on indefinite leave without pay or put freshly hired staff on hold. According to an online survey conducted by the on the impact of Covid-19, as many as 39% of the 3,074 respondents who took the survey are facing a salary cut, while 15% are set to lose their jobs. So it’s easy to make anyone panic as I am also on the same boat as outflow of expenses is same only the inflow gets deteriorated. Its take some time but I prepare myself for the next step and started sharpening my skills with online courses. This survival also taught me that people should always save their 10% of their salary.

Missing your friends- As a single person who lives alone, this pandemic has shown me the importance of the simple pleasure of a cup of tea with a friend. For this also I find a quick solution just switch on your phone and do a group video call, trust me it will makes you feel good.

Missing Packing Your Bag– People is missing traveling due to the COVID-19 lockdown. We won’t get to travel the way we used to for quite some time ahead due to the corona virusoutbreak but things will get better with time. Till then, if you have been procrastinating about uploading your travel blog or log, you have all the time to work on it. If you never thought of documenting your travel memories, why not give it a try? Take out all your pictures and videos from your trips and create your own blog. You can also create a travel log with these pictures and videos and publish them on your social media. This can help you grab opportunities with organizations that are looking for freelancers or full-time travel bloggers. 

There are many things a normal human being can go through at the same moment like if we consider this 2020 Pandemic (It’s been 6 month and we are still on the same page, people are fighting for their bread and butter .But while sitting on your couch instead of getting worried about what had happened we should learn from this to protect nature, invest in health, ensure a safety net for the poor, and enhance global cooperation.

Despite all of that, I definitely don’t think I’m depressed at all.

So, don’t misinterpret sadness with depression.

While depression is a mental illness and an abnormal emotional stage, On other hand sadness is a normal human emotion.

Stay Healthy And Happy!